World Titans War

Experience the World War II like never before using the correct tactics and strategies. Collaborate with your army to win the war by advancing through the terrain inch by inch. Manage your financial and material resources.

World Titans War immerses you in an open world just before the start of WWII, so there is no axis and there are no allies, you can enlist in any of the available armies.


With the aim of offering in the future the possibility of traveling to other past times in history, a redesign will be made adapted to today’s society, where we can see that sometimes reality and simulation are separated by a thin line that it borders on the anachronistic to make the transition to intertemporal culture easier.

This experience starts with a trial run inspired on the Second World War. Titanlink Corporation has designed its first big stage, a map of Europe in which travelers must discover, experiment and, above all, survive.

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